Day 2 of Ramadhaaaan! :D
And I've been trying to keep myself uber busy to distract me from the rumbling tummy, soo far so gooood! I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm always pleasantly surprised to find my levels of concentration and willpower are always heightened when fasting, I end up getting waaaay more done then usual Alhamdullilah. We're fasting until after 9pm here, but I'm happy to say I did not feel like a zombie until 7 yesterday, so hoping I can hold on today aswell :P
I'm not one for outfit of the day posts- mainly because I have to dress up for these pics! No joke, usually I wear whatever is clean in my cupboard, and comfortable, and I cannot be bothered to accessorize and stuff more than once a week because I'm just a lazay ass. I really admire girls who can put the effort in everyday because I don't know whereeee they get the energy.
Really, you guys are too cool, send some of that swag my way? XD If I did OOTD pics on a daily, you'd think I was a hobo. For reals. I much prefer styling other people, just cannot be bothered when it comes to myself- again, I cannot express how lazy I am!
But today was one of those "hey, why not" days (maybe it was the hunger talking), and I made this maxi dress so felt like styling it to show y'all.
I'm being bright so I can match the weather hehe ^_^
Hope you likey,
Peace out
Asma xxxx
Scarf: Market stall in Whitechapel
Dress: Afa Bee
Abaya: Afa Bee
Belt: DIY with gold rope